Let’s Talk TRIO
A podcast dedicated to the TRIO programs across the United States and its territories. TRIO programs are federally funded outreach initiatives that promote college access, equity, and success. The podcast highlights stories from staff, participants, alumni, and advocates from various TRIO programs (Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, Veteran’s Upward Bound, Student Support Services, McNair Program, Educational Opportunity Centers).
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
”Willing” - Joselynn Castillo - TRIO Student Support Services Alum
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
This is EPISODE #90 for Let's Talk TRIO!
In this episode of Let's Talk TRIO: Joselynn Castillo, an alum of the TRIO Upward Bound & Student Support Services program at Idaho State University.
Joselynn is on the podcast to discuss her educational journey through TRIO Upward Bound, attending Idaho State University, overcoming social expectations, and setting her sights to obtain a doctoral degree in dentistry.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, TRIOjoblist.com, NOSOTROS Education Center (ad within the podcast), and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsors at:
Student Access
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
NOSOTROS Education Center
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad for StudentAccess: Amelia Castañeda
Voiceover Ad for NOSOTROS Education Center: Karla Sandoval
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
”Fun” - Cindy Gerhardt - TRIO Student Support Services Alum
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
In this episode of Let's Talk TRIO: Cindy Gerhardt, an alum of the TRIO Student Support Services program at Central New Mexico Community College.
Cindy is on the podcast to discuss her professional journey, experience being a non-traditional student returning to college, discovering the TRIO Student Support Services programs, and what she hopes to accomplish with her degree.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, TRIOjoblist.com, NOSOTROS Education Center (ad within the podcast), and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsors at:
Student Access
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
NOSOTROS Education Center
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad for StudentAccess: Amelia Castañeda
Voiceover Ad for NOSOTROS Education Center: Karla Sandoval
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
”Optimistic” - Armando Maqueda - TRIO Student Support Services
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
In this episode of Let's Talk TRIO: Armando Maqueda, a current participant with the Academic Advancement Center's TRIO Student Support Services program at Colorado State University.
Armando is on the podcast to discuss his educational journey, his time with TRIO Upward Bound, his experiences with TRIO SSS, serving TRIO, future career and goals, and future graduation.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, TRIOjoblist.com, NOSOTROS Education Center, and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsors at:
Student Access: https://www.studentaccess.com/
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
NOSOTROS Education Center
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad: Amelia Castañeda
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Friday Oct 20, 2023
”Tenacious” - Jazmin Trujillo - TRIO Alum of Talent Search & Upward Bound
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
In this podcast: Jazmin Trujillo, an alum of the TRIO Upward Bound and Talent Search program at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell and graduate of Eastern New Mexico University.
Jazmin is on the podcast to discuss her educational journey, her time with the TRIO Talent Search and Upward Bound, serving as a teacher and mentor to TRIO Upward Bound students, attending graduate school, and being an Agency Director at AmberCare (Clovis, NM).
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, NOSOTROS Education Center, TRIOjoblist.com, and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsors at:
Student Access: https://www.studentaccess.com/
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
NOSOTROS Education Center
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad: Amelia Castañeda
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
“Grateful” - Dekendrick Murray TRIO Alum & Staff
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
In this podcast: Dekendrick Murray, a multi-Alum of TRIO programs (Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, Educational Talent Search, and the Ronald E. McNair Program), and graduate of the University of Florida and Jacksonville University.
Dekendrick is on the podcast to discuss his educational journey, his time with the various TRIO programs, serving TRIO, graduating from college, his passion about music, and serving as North Carolina Central University’s as Director of Student Accessibility Services.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, TRIOjoblist.com and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsor at:
Student Access: https://www.studentaccess.com/
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
NOSOTROS Education Center
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad: Amelia Castañeda
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
ASPIRE WYCO Conference 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
A special edition of the Let's Talk TRIO Podcast as host, Juan Rivas, was on-site at the ASPIRE Wyoming/Colorado (WYCO) Conference 2023 to visit with various staff members of TRIO programs across Colorado and Wyoming. Listen as guests share their conference experience, their reason for working in TRIO, provide great advice, and demonstrate why TRIO works.
Thank you to the ASPIRE Colorado & Wyoming Board for having Let's Talk TRIO at the conference.
Rafael Orozco, CO President
Stephanie Cuevas, President-Elect
Dariana Roybal, Past-President
Susana Ruvalcaba, Secretary
Aaron Lucero, Treasurer
Miranda Ochoa, Support Staff Officer
Adrienne Shabandarian, Representative at Large
Edith Gonzalez, Representative at Large
Tracy Neve, Representative at Large
Gerardo Millan, Jr., Representative at Large
#ASPIREWYCO2023 #TRIOworks #TRIOprofessionals
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
In this podcast: Pablo Rosas, a spring 2023 graduate of Colorado State University. Pablo is alum of the Academic Advancement Center's (AAC) TRIO Student Support Services program.
Listen as Pablo shares his educational journey, experience as a transfer student, his inspiration to learn more about finances, pursuing their undergraduate degree, and reflecting on his time with TRIO SSS at CSU.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Angelica Valdez, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, TTRIOjoblist.com and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsor at:
Student Access: https://www.studentaccess.com/
TRIOjoblist.com (for careers in TRIO!)
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad: Amelia Castañeda
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
In this podcast: Doria Wormbly, former TRIO SSS staff and CEO/Founder of the Sailor Justice Project.
Listen as Doria shares her educational journey, her work experience in the TRIO Student Support Services program, her inspiration to begin the Sailor Justice Project, and sharing her story on persistence.
A HUGE thank you to our patrons and sponsors: Angelica Vialpando, Rosario Riley, Dr. Jamie Motley, Dr. Ryan Barone, Felicia Rivera, Jaded Electronics, Angelica Valdez, TRIOjoblist.com, and StudentAccess (ad within the podcast).
Visit our sponsors at:
Student Access: https://www.studentaccess.com/
TRIOjoblist.com: https://www.triojoblist.com/
Help keep our podcast going:
Become a Patron of the Let's Talk TRIO podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/letstalktrio
Donate a one-time tip to our PayPal account: https://paypal.me/letstalktrio?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Let's Talk TRIO Podcast Team
Audio Engineer, Editor and Music Composer/Production (Intro/Transition/Outro): John Russell
Producer, Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Script Supervisor - Voiceover and Ad: Amelia Castañeda
Executive Producer & Host: Juan Rivas
Cover Artwork: Raul Perez
#TRIOworks #LetsTalkTRIO #TRIOvoices #TRIOpodcast #TRIOprograms #TRIOstudentsupportservices #TRIOstaff #TRIOprograms #TRIOupwardbound #TRIOtalentsearch #TRIOmcnair